Snow Globe and the Adjacent Reality Tracker

I’ll have more detailed posts about the Adjacent Reality Tracker in the future, but here is a preview of some of what you can expect to see at our booth in Fiesta Hall at the Bay Area Maker Faire on May 19th-20th this year.  In the meantime, you can follow Donnie and I working on the thing at GitHub.

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9 Replies to “Snow Globe and the Adjacent Reality Tracker”

  1. Brilliant, the tricky part is the position sensing and processing circuity. This can have vast applications, from space, to artificial human limbs, to robotics. neat indeed. if i was bill gates, I wud send u some funds to help go further on this; it is R&D people who shape the future. God bless u.

  2. I love this! I was looking for something to do with the MicroVision projector I bought last year.

    I couldn’t help but think that an iOS port of your software would be perfect. Not only does MicroVision include an iDevice cable with each projector, but the touchscreen and motion/orientation sensors would be a great user interface. And you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting an iPad/Phone/Pod these days.

    Again, great work, and thanks for sharing!

  3. I just ordered the pieces for this – can’t wait to mess with it.

    Have you figured out if it is possible to render a movie to play on the globe. I have some Google Earth data sets that I created and then (using the Pro version) made movies out of them. I would like to play them on a globe like this. Any ideas as to how that could be done?

  4. see website link – I located a supplier for IR Hot Mirrors: this would allow you to use an IR stylus (think tablet pen) against the surface of the globe and an IR-seeing camera off to the side – make it a ‘periscope’

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